Verizon Prepaid Introduces Customer Loyalty Discounts, The Longer You Stay The More You Save — BestMVNO

Verizon Prepaid has introduced customer loyalty discounts that are being marketed around the tagline “stay with us, save with us.” The longer a customer stays with Verizon Prepaid, the more money can be saved. A maximum customer loyalty discount of $10/month per line is offered. The loyalty discounts will take the place of multi-line family…

via Verizon Prepaid Introduces Customer Loyalty Discounts, The Longer You Stay The More You Save — BestMVNO.

Nice to see a company rewarding customer loyalty. It’s rare these days. I can only think of a handful of companies who reward customer loyalty. Basic rule of thumb in business is it’s cheaper to keep an existing customer than to gain a new customer. Yet, very few companies do anything to encourage customer loyalty. Worse, they offer better deals for new customers that aren’t available to existing customers. It’s why I changed cell phone companies so many times over the decades.


About Wichita Genealogist

Originally from Gulfport, Mississippi. Live in Wichita, Kansas now. I suffer Bipolar I, ultra-ultra rapid cycling, mixed episodes. Blog on a variety of topics - genealogy, DNA, mental health, among others. Let's
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  1. Pingback: Customer Loyalty – July 30, 2020 | Ups and Downs of Family History V2.0

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