Latest Find-A-Grave FAQs and How Fast It Disappeared

This change to Find-A-Grave’s FAQs showed up early briefly June 2017 on (have to search for *Update or look for the highlighted text which is light yellow on my monitor), but is now gone. I use ChangeDetection to monitor changes to the FAQs since they change so often and it’s rare for admins or the site to let us know they have changed. Here’s the exact wording from the above link:
*Update: This type of content is still not allowed and should not be posted to memorial pages, However, staff is currently not removing obituaries, news articles and other document images. This content should not be reported for removal leading up to the launch of the new, updated website (coming soon). This type of content will possibly be moved to a separate tab found directly on memorial pages. Find A Grave staff will respond to document image removal requests from copyright holders only. See the Terms of Service for information on copyright.
Shame how often the FAQs get changed and how fast some of the changes disappear. If that’s not bad enough, sad how often the admins use admin discretion to decide if an edit, merge, or memorial deletion happens. There appear to be several categories of exceptions that have more to do with who is requesting the change, who manages the memorial, and their relationship with the site. For example, somebody with lots of memorials appear to be free of the limitations that apply to most memorial managers. Also, if you are a personal friend of an admin (as opposed to having an admin on your friend list), you appear to have more latitude on getting away with FAQ violations than if you are an average memorial manager.
For example, it used to be first memorial added was kept no matter what. However, at some point, it went to admin discretion and numerous memorials added later have been kept. A newer addition was first memorial in the correct cemetery, provided the original memorial has been up 30 days. This is more often the case in recent burials that are added as Burial Unknowns (BUs). A BU is a memorial where the final resting place isn’t known as opposed to a Cremation memorial where the final resting place is supposedly with family. The problem with a family member keeping the ashes is the fact that’s not a permanent resting place. At some point, the family member will die and the ashes will wind up somewhere, possibly in a cemetery in a best case scenario and don’t ask in a worst case scenario.
Sadly, I believe ChangeDetection is no longer available if you don’t already have a free account on it. It was replaced by another site that only allows a small number of notices before they block you for the remaining portion of your month if you don’t buy credits or a monthly plan. For now, I am still able to access the old Change Detection website, but no word on how long it will stay available.

About Wichita Genealogist

Originally from Gulfport, Mississippi. Live in Wichita, Kansas now. I suffer Bipolar I, ultra-ultra rapid cycling, mixed episodes. Blog on a variety of topics - genealogy, DNA, mental health, among others. Let's
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